Opera by Tod Machover after the novel by Philip K Dick
Davóne Tines with Timur Bekbosunov, David Cushing, Maggie Finnegan, Rose Hegele, Anaïs Reno, Kristin Young
Conducted by Tod Machover
Julia Cary (Piano/Keyboard 1)
Maria Finkelmeier (Percussion)
Emil Droga (Keyboard 2)
InteractiveTechnologies, MIT Media Lab
Max Addae (VocalCords)
Nina Masuelli (The Jar)
Manaswi Mishra (Living AI System)
Set & Costume Design Oana Botez,
Lighting Design Yuki Nakase Link
Production Sound Design Ben Bloomberg
Media Production Peter Torpey
Audio Production Ana Schon
Stage Management Emeline Shepard
Horselover Fat/Philip K. Dick by Davóne Tines, Sophia by Kristin Young, Gloria by Anaïs Reno and Rose Hegele, Dr. Stone by David Cushing, Linda Lampton by Maggie Finnegan, Eric Lampton by Timur Bekbosunov, Mini by Nina Masuelli
Choreography by Paulo Arrais
Directed by Jay Scheib
Touring and future productions – Diane Wondisford diane.wondisford@gmail.com
Special Thanks/Acknowledgements
We would like to gratefully acknowledge generous sponsorship for VALIS from the Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation; the Joe and Lucy Chung Family Foundation; the Dean of MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning; the Dean of MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; and the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST).
We would like to especially thank Tony Falcetti of Falcetti Pianos and Dom Cicchetti of the Yamaha Corporation of America for the loan of a Yamaha CFX 9-foot Concert Grand Piano used for these performances.